2011年8月1日 星期一

Green Computing Wiki


  • the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems—such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems—efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment.
  • 針對電腦、伺服器、和相關電子產品 (螢幕、印表機、儲存裝置、網路和通訊系統...等)的設計、生產、使用和廢棄處理,以增加效能及效益並將對環境的衝擊降到最低或零為目標,而進行的研究或實作
  • RAEL = Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (At UC Berkeley)
  • fossil fuel-based energy 礦物燃料(如煤或石油)所產生的能源
  • biodegradability 可被生物分解的程度
  • 1992 EPA => Energy Star => Green Computing
  • Green ICTs = Green Information and Communication Technologies
  • Extended Producer Responsibility 生產者延伸責任(多半是指產品廢棄處理)
  • Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive : required the substitution of heavy metals (重金屬) and flame retardants (阻燃劑)
  • CSCI = Climate Savers Computing Initiative
  • The Green Grid
  • SPEC = Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
  • the biggest contribution to green computing usually is to prolong the equipment's lifetime , 對 Green Computing 最大的貢獻即是延長設備的使用壽命,因為絕大部分的資源消耗在生產製造以及廢棄階段
  • Ecological footprint http://www.myfootprint.org/
  • A study by a physicist at Harvard, estimated that the average Google search released 7 grams of carbon dioxide (CO₂).However, Google disputes this figure, arguing instead that a typical search produces only 0.2 grams of CO₂
  • Virtualization : Running two or more logical computer systems(i.e. OS) on a single set of physical hardware
  • Terminal Servers: example as LTSP = Linux Terminal Server Project
  • ACPI = Advanced Configuration and Power Interface : 作業系統可以控制硬體的電源管理機制
  • Undervolting = Dynamic Voltage Scaling
  • Data centers, which have been criticized for its extraordinary high energy demand, are a primary focus for proponents of green computing 一直以來,資料中心(機房)總是因其特別高的電力能源消耗而成為綠色運算倡導者所關注的焦點
  • July 20, 2007, all new Energy Star 4.0-certified desktop PSUs must be at least 80% efficient
  • Reducing the power consumed by large storage arrays, while still providing the benefits of online storage, is a subject of ongoing research
  • 80% of the post-consumer e-waste collected for recycling is shipped abroad to countries such as Chinaand Pakistan
  • http://www.greenci.org/

